IoT stands for Internet of Things

The main principle behind this idea is to automate the monitoring, recording and evaluation of regularly recurring events in a manner which supports safe storage and easy use of retrieved data.



LoRaWAN is the name of an open technology network for wirelessly connecting and transmitting data from many different sensors and devices over very long distances and easily overcoming building obstacles.

Power consumption of the individual sensors is, depending on the measured value type, so minimal, that they allow fully wireless function and the whole installation is limited only in putting to required place.

Network coverage

Network coverage

Every new technology needs some time for the full deployment. Internet of things is new technology with almost unlimited possibilities.

LORAWAN network provided by CRA is ready for full operation in almost complete area of the country.

CRA continuously works to reach 100% coverage - see animation below.

1 Select

the quantity you need to measure or monitor, or a suitable combination of the two. All sensors that can be effectively operated in the LoRaWAN CRA network undergo a certification process. All approved devices can be found in the Catalogue of Certified Devices, where you can select the quantities you want to monitor or work with using an easy filter.

For a simple demonstration of use cases, you can also see the solutions gallery, which shows you what smart sensors can do with clear examples.

If you didn't find what you were looking for in the catalogue or solution gallery, contact us. We may have a solution just before launch, or we may find and prepare it for you.

1 Select
2 Compare

2 Compare

After selecting a sensor, open the information and technical details page. Here you can check if the parameters suit you or find a more suitable device for your needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us if anything is not clear or understandable. We will explain, we will help.

3. Request a quote

Development is constantly moving forward and that is good. We are not an e-shop, but you will still find prices that are up to date.

We will use a simple form to enquire about your chosen equipment. We will provide you with a quotation for the relevant equipment, including direct contacts to manufacturers or distributors. Just choose.

If everything in the offers is not clear and understandable, do not hesitate to contact us, we will explain, advise or find out directly for you.

3. Request a quote
4. Decide

4. Decide

You have compared technical specifications, quotations, delivery dates and terms and conditions. Your choice is made much easier. The decision is always up to you. However, we can also help you with advice or recommendations. Do not hesitate to contact us, we are here for you.

5 Select

Choose the most suitable package with connectivity services and visualization. Select appropriate communication interval and corresponding visualization parameters. Send the order and wait for the delivery of the ordered devices.

Visualization parameters can be selected from basic, through advanced up to full version. In case even full version is not meeting all of your requirements, we offer individually tailor made solution according to your needs.

Contact us, we will arrange a meeting, go through everything together, evaluate the feasibility and prepare a calculation for the changes with our specialists. It doesn't have to cost a lot and it will help to solve your assignment.

5 Select
6 Initiate

6 Initiate

For the correct functionality of all the sensors it is needed to register every sensor unit into LORAWAN network. Selected sensor vendor will deliver you devices ready to register or already registered. We can offer you our help even with this one-off activity that is needed to proceed only once - after purchase.

Contact us, prepare the documentation you received with the shipment, or we may ask you to forward the part you received electronically. We will help you with this part of the network installation and you will then just deploy the sensors.

Second part of the sensor activation is the proper visualization setting according to your expectations. We will configure your company hierarchy, its branches and departments according to sensors distribution and appropriate responsible persons. Sensors will be sorted out into groups with the same measurement parameters, we will set defined warning and alert thresholds, frequency of messages to be sent, we will distribute the sensors on the floorplans and will proceed initial test by sending test message.

Despite its many features, the system is easy and simple to set up. Don't worry, everything is logical and easy to understand and implement. If you still encounter a difficulty or obstacle, contact us, we will help.

7 Control

For all supported and certified devices in the LoRaWAN network, our visualization offers many options for data acquisition, preview, processing and evaluation. It is very easy to work with. Nevertheless, we are able to provide training on how to use the TANIX visualisation, either remotely or in person, for a large number of people in one place. We will be happy to familiarize you with the functions and possibilities of displaying and processing measured values, provide you with support contact and wish you satisfaction in the full operation of the sensors in LoRaWAN network.

7 Control